Organic Bach Flower essences without alcohol

Complete set Bach flower remedies without alcohol

Five Flowers remedy no. 39 organic without alcohol

20ml Edis organic Bach flowers without alcohol

Organic Bach flowers without alcohol

Many Bach flower users have problems with the contained alcohol for preservation. The use of alcohol even in smallest quantities is rejected by many people for personal, religious or health reasons. Many animals also detest the smell of alcohol.
In addition, the Munich Higher Regional Court (OLG U 4189/11) has prohibited the sale of Rescue® with alcohol with regard to the Health Claims Regulation (EC No 1924/2006) in 2013 in Germany.
The alcohol has no specific effects in the stockbottles. It only serves to preserve the drops. Alternatives are the preservation with salt or glycerol. But with salt preserved essences are extremely intense - the strange glycerol taste is not much better.
After many attempts, the SUNASAR AG succeeded in producing Edis organic Bach flower stockbottles without alcohol with an excellent taste. As the basis for preserving serves premium Agave syrupeMore, which is available in organic quality from sustainable sources. The alcohol-free stockbottles have a very pleasant honey-like taste and can be used as the ones with alcohol.
Edis organic alcohol-free Bach flowers are available as individual 20ml stockbottles in pharmacy dropper bottles and as inexpensive set with 40 stockbottles in beautiful wooden box.


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