Five Flowers alc. » 20ml Edis organic

★★★★★ Kunden Erfahrungen ansehen

  • EDIS® ORIGINAL: Kraftvolle Schweizer Bio Bachblüten.
  • KLASSISCH: Konserviert mit 20% Bio Alkohol.
  • STARK: Lange haltbar, vegan, laktosefrei, glutenfrei.
  • GRATIS: Mit Gebrauchsanleitung.

Product-ID: 5123901

available (629 on stock)

9.90 GBP je pc(s)

contents: 20 ml
1 liter = 495.00 GBP
Shipping rates: 3.95 GBP
Delivery time: Wednesday 16/10/24
Contact: E-Mail
Minimum order: 20.00 GBP
Grosshandel Info: Angezeigt wird der Konsumentenpreis ohne Rabatt. Je nach Kaufsumme erhalten Sie 15% bis 50% Rabatt
Kein Rabatt: Dieses Produkt ist vom Grosshandelrabatt ausgeschlossen.

Organic Bach flowers - Edis stockbottles SUNASAR AG Organic Five Flowers with Dr. Bach's world-famous complex no. 39. With certified organic Bach flowers. Individually picked by hand from unspoiled nature in the Swiss Alps.

Organic Bach flowers   Organic alcohol   From Swiss Alps   100% hand made

Five Flowers organic* combination no. 39, Bach flowers according to Dr. Bach:

  • Bottle size and package: 20 ml filling quantity in brown pharmacy bottle with dropper cap. Shatterproof packaged in recyclable cardboard box. Edis organic* Bach flower combination Five Flowers is carefully hand-crafted according to the specifications of Dr. Bach.
  • Conservation and shelf life: Edis classic combination Five Flowers contains about 20% vol. organic alcohol. It's shelf life is at least 5 years.
  • Manufacturer of Edis organic Five Flowers: The Swiss SUNASAR AGInfos, one of the largest manufacturers of Bach flower mother tinctures.
  • What does Five Flowers mean? Dr. Bach used a combination for emergencies with the five essences Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem. He wanted to have it always at hand for stressful sitations and extraordinary crises. We use his original receipt for our Five Flowers stockbottle.
  • Recepts: Edis organic Five Flowers combinations are excellent for the production of mixtures and the direct method. (2 drops onto the tongue). Usage adviceInfos
  • Certified organic* quality: Bach flower remedies from plants from controlled ecological wild collection. The plants are growing in unspoiled nature in the Swiss Alps in the Bach flower gardens of SUNASAR AG. They are individually picked by hand by the principles of sustainability. The certification and inspection is done by bio.inspecta (CH-BIO-006). CertificatesInfos

*From certified organic cultivation, verified by bio.inspecta AG, CH-5070 Frick (CH-BIO-006)


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