27 Rock Water 20ml (Edis organic)

★★★★★ Kunden Erfahrungen ansehen

  • EDIS® ORIGINAL: Kraftvolle Schweizer Bio Bachblüten.
  • KLASSISCH: Konserviert mit 20% Bio Alkohol.
  • STARK: Lange haltbar, vegan, laktosefrei, glutenfrei.
  • GRATIS: Mit Gebrauchsanleitung.

Product-ID: 52027

available (122 on stock)

7.25 GBP je pc(s)

contents: 20 ml
1 liter = 362.50 GBP
Shipping rates: 3.95 GBP
Delivery time: Tuesday 24/09/24
Contact: E-Mail
Minimum order: 20.00 GBP
Grosshandel Info: Angezeigt wird der Konsumentenpreis ohne Rabatt. Je nach Kaufsumme erhalten Sie 15% bis 50% Rabatt
Kein Rabatt: Dieses Produkt ist vom Grosshandelrabatt ausgeschlossen.
Grafik 2 Grafik 3  

Organic Bach flowers - Edis stockbottles SUNASAR AG From unspoiled nature in the Swiss Alps.

Organic alcohol   From Swiss Alps   100% hand made

Rock Water Bach flower (stockbottle) in organic* quality:

  • Bottle size and package: 20 ml filling quantity in brown pharmacy dropper bottle. Inclusive colored instruction manual with photo of the Bach flower. Edis organic* Bach flower stockbottle Rock Water is carefully hand-crafted according to the specifications of Dr. Bach.
  • Conservation and shelf life: Edis organic* stockbottle Rock Water contains about 20% vol. organic alcohol and therefore has principle a unlimited shelf life.
  • Manufacturer of Edis organic: The Swiss SUNASAR AGInfos, one of the largest manufacturers of Bach flower mother tinctures.
  • Recepts for Bach flowers: Edis organic Bach flowers are excellent for the production of mixtures and the direct method. (2 drops onto the tongue). Usage adviceInfos
  • Certified organic* quality: Classical Bach flower remedies. The certification and inspection is done by bio.inspecta (CH-BIO-006). CertificatesInfos
  • Information and instruction manual:
    Each stockbottle comes with a short colored instruction manual.

*From certified organic cultivation, verified by bio.inspecta AG, CH-5070 Frick (CH-BIO-006)


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